Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A girl and her shoes.

Pete getting ready for his new shoes.
You know what they say, "No hoof, no horse." I always look forward to farrier day at the barn. It's the only time I don't mind being around horses all day without riding a single one of them. I'm always so fascinated to watch a good farrier work. We have a lot of consignment horses that come through our barn to get sold. In a lot of the cases, the horses feet have been moderately ignored or shod poorly before they arrived. Seeing the difference in how a horse like that walks up to the farrier stall and how they walk away from it is fascinating. Their stride is longer and more even and in many cases it makes a difference in the horse being sound and unsound to ride.When we do have soundness cases our vet is brought in to shoot xrays and collaborate with our farrier to determine the perfect course of action for that particular horse. It's so much fun seeing the internal structure of the hoof and how that affects the rest of the horses body and its movement.

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