Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dressage show.

We managed a red ribbon in our Training level test. 

My how far we've come! I was so proud of my Roan horse today! We ended up with very decent scores from a very critical judge and got some extremely helpful feedback. Roanie stayed relaxed all day long and didn't get frazzled during any part of the day. The only part of the show that I hadn't looked forward to was our training level test. I dreaded the judge's comments about our canter. Plus, our test started with the left lead, our challenging side. Roanie was a rockstar though and picked up her left lead right as I asked for it but right as we finished our 20 meter circle she swapped to her right lead.... Oh well, a month ago the canter didn't exist at all for her, so we're getting somewhere. Her canter to the right was absolutely amazing, contrary to the judges belief (who gave me a 5), it was soft, she was bent to the inside, in the bridle, and I was actually able to sit it. It was well worth AT LEAST a 12, I'm not sure why the judge didn't see that.....

We even finished first in our first western dressage test with a score of 69.3!
My only complaint about the day was that I couldn't read any of the scribes handwriting.... There must be some unwritten rule passed down from scribe to scribe that says "make sure you write as illegibly as humanly possible. Also, make sure to abbreviate obscure words that trainers and riders will try unsuccessfully to decipher for months on end."

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