Saturday, November 2, 2013

The first jumping lesson.

This mare really surprised me the first day I jumped her. She has so much natural athleticism and such a willing "yes" attitude. This picture is the result of my trainer and I meticulously going through a video and choosing just the right frame where Roanie and I are looking our best. To view the video in it's entirety one would not get the same relaxed and graceful impression that the picture above conveys. What this picture doesn't show is the fish tail approach on an unbalanced four beat canter, it doesn't show Roanie sticking her tongue out fighting the happy mouth snaffle, and it doesn't show the two foot chip that every hunter rider cringes at that occurred at the base of the fence. That being said, this is a fine example of what this horse is capable of. She'd never jumped before and she didn't offer to do anything naughty as we continuously raised the height and width of the fence. She has such a great attitude about work and tries so unbelievably hard to please. She truly is delightful to work with.

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